Kostens påverkan på vårt psykiska mående

The impact of diet on our psychological well-being

Did you know that the diet we eat has a big impact on how we feel? 

A balanced intestinal flora is important for your mental well-being. The stomach and intestines send signals to the brain that affect mood. Therefore, it is important what we put in us, and choose food that makes us feel good.

The happiness hormone Serotonin

A large part of the hormone serotonin is formed in the intestine - as much as 90%. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that controls our mood and emotions.

Lack of serotonin can be linked to low mood, depression, bad mood and anxiety.

Why do we choose the food we do?

What mood we are in can have a big impact on the food choices we make. If we are stressed, the body wants quick energy, preferably sugar and fatty carbohydrates. What then happens is that the body gets a dopamine hit and the blood sugar gets a quick rise, which then drops just as quickly.

If we instead eat slow carbohydrates, protein & fibers - we get a more stable energy level and the longing for the fast dopamine is not experienced as strongly.

Three dietary and eating habits that can make you feel better:

1. Start the day with a glass of lemon water or a Superfood drink with Belly Boost It activates the system and creates balance in the stomach and intestines and provides a good dose of vitamins.

2. Gut health affects mood. Eat a varied diet so that you get various vitamins and minerals - a good tip is to think that you should eat in the colors of the rainbow and preferably at least 70%.

3. Eat plenty of foods rich in tryptophan, such as bananas, oatmeal seeds and nuts - tryptophan is required to form the happy hormone serotonin.

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