Känner du dig stressad i din vardag?

Feeling stressed in your everyday life?

In today's society, it is common for people to live in constant stress and pressure. We strive to be productive and efficient, but do not neglect time for recovery.

When does stress occur?

Stress is a natural reaction to pressures and challenges in life. A certain level of stress can be motivating and help us perform better. However, if stress becomes intense and prolonged, it can lead to health problems both physically and mentally. (1)

Stress is a natural survival instinct in humans that has existed for thousands of years. Originally, it was primarily intended to increase physical activity. Today, we experience stress in other situations, but the body still reacts in the same way through fight or flight.

What happens in the body when we are stressed?

When the brain perceives a situation as threatening, a signal is sent to the sympathetic nervous system, which controls bodily functions such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure, things that cannot be consciously controlled by the individual. (2)

Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stress. It is part of the body's natural reaction to dangers and threats. During prolonged stress, cortisol levels can be elevated for long periods, leading to negative effects on health, such as weakened immune system, sleep, memory, and mood. (3)

Experiencing stress occasionally is therefore harmless, but if you unfortunately find your daily life stressful, you should examine what stresses you and how you can counteract stress to find peace in your daily life. Below are 5 tips that can be helpful in managing stress.

5 tips on how to manage stress in your daily life

1. Get enough sleep:

Getting enough sleep is crucial for managing stress in a healthy way because sleep directly impacts our physical and mental well-being. When we don't get enough sleep, our bodies are exposed to increased stress levels as they do not get the necessary recovery. This can result in increased production of stress hormones, such as cortisol. A good night's sleep should be between 7 to 9 hours. (5)

By prioritizing good sleep, we can help reduce stress levels in the body and improve our ability to manage stress in a healthy way.

2. Balanced diet

By including vitamins, minerals, proteins, and other nutrients in the diet, we can manage stress and feel more balanced and calm. A balanced diet is important for stress management as it provides the body with the nutrients it needs to function optimally, reducing stress levels and increasing well-being in the long run.

The key is to prioritize nutritious proper meals every day, but it can sometimes be challenging, especially for those experiencing stress. Our product Hormone Harmony is a blend of organic superfoods that support the body's hormone levels. You can easily mix it into your smoothie, yogurt, porridge, but also lunch or dinner, to give yourself and your body an extra boost. Hormone Harmony contains ingredients such as Ashwagandha and Maca, both of which help balance the body during stress. (7)

3. Regular exercise

When we exercise, endorphins are released in the body, which are natural chemicals that act as painkillers and provide a sense of well-being. These endorphins can help us minimize stress and improve our mood.

Including regular exercise can help break patterns and thoughts that contribute to stress; small changes like taking walks or cycling to work instead of driving can be very helpful. Therefore, by prioritizing physical activity in daily life, well-being can increase, and we can manage stress more effectively.

4. Spend time in nature

Fresh air can have a relaxing effect on the mind; when we spend time outdoors and breathe in fresh air, our senses are activated in a different way compared to being indoors. Forgetting all demands and going for a walk or sitting in nature creates a peace of mind that can reduce stress.

The scents, sounds, all impressions from nature can have a calming and relaxing effect on our mind, thereby reducing stress.

5. Prioritize & plan

In summary, stress management is fundamentally about finding a balance that makes you feel satisfied with your life. By developing stress management strategies, such as fresh air, balanced diet, and proper sleep, stress can be prevented.


(1) 1177.se, "Stress"

(2) Hjärnfondenn.se, "What happens in the body when we stress

(3) Medicalnewstoday.com, "Why stress happens and how to manage it", published October 27, 2023, written by Adam Felman

(4) Bannerhealth.com, "How sleep can affect stress", published February 28, 2019

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