Do you have problems with eczema, allergies and pollen?
Do you have problems with allergy or eczema?
Allergy is due to the fact that the body's immune system overreacts when it comes into contact with various substances that are not really dangerous, from, for example, a cat or pollen grains that are in the air during spring and summer. It has been shown that the allergy usually breaks out at school age but can also come over the years, or be hereditary if a parent has it. In case of allergy, you can get rashes, sneezing, fatigue but also eczema.
Peter, the founder of Superfood and berries was one of those who had allergies and eczema. When no creams or medications worked, he eventually tried to change his diet. He increased the amount of fruit and vegetables and excluded sugar, milk, gluten, and also quit protein powders containing whey (and often an unnatural amount of additives). Instead, we created a completely clean, organic and plant-based protein powder mix that was named Protein Power!
Today, Peter is basically symptom-free of his eczema - in a completely natural way.
3 tips to ease the symptoms
1. Remove gluten
By excluding gluten found in wheat, rye and barley, the body does not have to overwork by breaking down the protein found in gluten and also working against pollen.
2. Replace dairy products
Replace your dairy products with other options that are vegan, for example.
3. Reduce or exclude sugar
Reduces or removes sugar from the diet, e.g. white sugar found in cookies, soft drinks, energy drinks and ice cream. This is because the body does not have to work as much, which makes the intestinal flora feel better.
4. Strengthen the body with superfood
Superfood extremely nutritious diet and an easy way to ensure the body gets the nutrition it needs. A regular intake of superfoods can have different effects; some protect your body on the inside, while others strengthen and heal. Peter mainly used Protein Power and Detox Deluxe to get balance in the body and get rid of the allergi problems
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Så blir du av med pollenallergin på naturlig väg - Ladenberg Nutrition
nbalance and get rid of his problems.
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Så blir du av med pollenallergin på naturlig väg - Ladenberg Nutrition