Belly Boost organic superfood
Belly Boost organic superfood
Belly Boost is a superfood mix of seven carefully selected ingredients that contribute to maintaining normal balance in the stomach and intestines. All ingredients have a low FODMAP and are also suitable for IBS complaints. This blend contains lemongrass, fenugreek, psyllium husk, star anise, baobab, cinnamon and ginger. 200g.
Lemongrass (25%) is a type of grass that has a faint taste of lemon. It is often used in natural health to support the stomach and to maintain normal digestion. Fenugreek (20%) is a half meter tall plant that grows around the Mediterranean and in South Asia. It has light green leaves and white flowers. Fenugreek has been used therapeutically for centuries in traditional Arabic, Greek and Indian natural health to contribute to normal digestion and gut health. Fenugreek contains the nutrient choline, which also traditionally supports maintaining normal hormone levels, e.g. during menopause or contribute to normal fat turnover levels in the body. Psyllium Husk (15%) is powder of psyllium seed husks, providing a 100% pure, premium source of dietary fiber. The high fiber content binds fluid and can support the body in cases of constipation, for example. They are suitable if you want to supplement the intake of fibres, when, for example, a low-calorie or gluten-free diet is followed. Star anise (15%) is the fruit of a small evergreen tree that grows in Vietnam, among other places. The taste is very similar to licorice and is often used as a spice. Star anise is commonly used in diet to facilitate normal digestion, gassy stomachs or menstrual cramps. It is rich in antioxidants and is said to be able to contribute to normal sleep and the production of estrogen. Baobab (15%) is a mythical tree that grows in Africa and is a great source of nutrition. The fruit contains more vitamin C than kiwis and more magnesium than bananas. With its 50% dietary fiber, the fiber content is higher than most fruits and it is also loaded with zinc and copper and also calcium and potassium. Cinnamon (5%) is packed with antioxidants and the spice can contribute to normal digestion. Cinnamon is also rich in calcium, fibre, iron, flavanols and manganese. Ginger (5%) is considered to stimulate the stomach and intestines. The root causes the production of digestive enzymes to rise. Ginger traditionally contributes to calming the stomach and maintaining normal digestion.
Belly Boost has a fresh taste of star anise that resembles licorice. It can be taken as a hot drink with cinnamon and cardamom (in water or warm milk) or even cold directly in a glass of water or milk. It also goes well in smoothies with flavors such as orange, melon, coconut milk, pineapple and apricot. When mixed in a drink, it gives a light green color.
Nutrition value
Nutrition value
Nutritional value Per 100 g
Energy 1035 kj / 249 kcal
Fat 4.7 g - of which saturated fat 0.5 g
Carbohydrates 28.9 g - of which sugars 19.2 g
Fiber 41.1 g
Protein 10.3 g
Salt 0 g
Belly Boost can be taken regularly or when your stomach is out of balance. Mix 1 teaspoon of powder with warm milk and cinnamon or cardamom or water. The powder mix can also be sprinkled directly over, for example, yoghurt or porridge. Use: 1 - 2 tsp / day.
Hjälper mycket till min hårda mage! God smak också!
Belly Boost är relativt ny i min kost så jag har inte märkt just några effekter av den men jag gillar smaken och det känns himla bra i magen! Jag blandar oftast ner den (+ Berry Beautiful och Hormone Harmony) i en smoothie och tycker att jag står mig förvånansvärt bra på det!
Jag har testat många produkter tidigare för min IBS och min mage och måste säga att denna är över förväntan! Mindre svullen och inte alls lika gasig och magen känns mycket bättre. Väldigt glad att jag beställde hem denna produkt. Brukar blanda runt pulvret i vatten och dricka det.
Efter att ha haft IBS-besvär hela mitt liv hade jag gett upp hoppet om att hitta en lösning. Men så testade jag Belly Boost och märkte skillnad efter bara några dagar. Min mage är lugn för första gången någonsin. Jag har även börjat våga äta saker som jag tidigare undvikit och än så länge verkar det gå bra. Så jag kan varmt rekommendera Belly Boost till alla som upplever IBS-besvär.
Jag har besvär med kraftigt svullen mage och kronisk förstoppning, men efter några veckor med en kopp ljummen belly boost på kvällen så har jag märkt att jag har avsevärt mindre besvär. Jag glömde dricka den häromkvällen och dagen efter var omedelbart sämre igen!
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