5 tips på kost som lindrar symtom på klimakteriet

5 tips on diet that alleviate symptoms of menopause

Did you know that most women enter menopause between the ages of 45-55, and unfortunately many are unprepared for the change that takes place in the body, until they start experiencing symptoms that can occur e.g. mood swings, sweating, weight gain, decreased sex drive, etc?

It varies from woman to woman how much trouble one has at menopause. But there are methods to relieve various symptoms, here we have collected useful food information and tips:

Foods that can ease the symptoms of menopause

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. These foods are rich in important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants such as superfood e.g.Detox Deluxe (helps the body clear out stored toxins) & Hormone Harmony (helps maintain normal hormone balance), which can help to maintain normal levels during menopause.
  2. Eat more calcium-rich foods. Calcium is important to prevent osteoporosis, which can increase during menopause due to estrogen deficiency. Sesame seeds, parsley, hazelnuts are, for example, good sources of calcium.
  3. Eat foods rich in vitamin D. Vitamin D is necessary for the body to absorb calcium and can also help prevent osteoporosis. Possible sources of vitamin D include fatty fish and wild mushrooms and vitamin D-fortified products.
  4. Eat foods rich in phytoestrogens. These are estrogen-like substances found in plant-based foods and can help relieve the symptoms of menopause. Food that contains these is e.g. flaxseeds, fennel, blueberries, cranberries, currants, plums, apples, dates, cabbage, beans and flaxseed oil.
  5. Avoid foods that are rich in fat, sugar and salt. These foods can help worsen menopause symptoms and increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems.

What is it and when does menopause occur?

Menopause is the time when a woman's reproductive system gradually ceases to function, which usually occurs sometime between the ages of 45 and 55. This can lead to a range of symptoms, including:

  • Hormonal changes: As a result of decreased estrogen production, women may experience sweating, hot flashes, changes in skin and hair, and increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.
  • Emotional changes: Many women experience changes in their mood and emotional balance during menopause, including anxiety, depression and irritability.
  • Physical changes: Women may also experience changes in their secretions, sexual functions, and urinary and bowel functions during menopause.

Menopause can be divided into three different phases

  • Premenopause : This is the first phase of menopause, when estrogen production decreases and periods may become irregular. These symptoms can begin to appear up to ten years before the last menstrual period.
  • Menopause: This is the time when the last menstrual period has occurred and estrogen production has completely ceased. This usually occurs sometime between the ages of 45 and 55.
  • Postmenopause : This is the phase that occurs after the last menstrual period, and estrogen production has stopped completely. The symptoms of menopause may continue during this phase and may include hormone-related diseases such as osteoporosis and heart disease.

What can you do to ease the symptoms of menopause??

  • Talk to a doctor or gynecologist about symptoms and treatment options. There are many treatment options that can help relieve symptoms of menopause.
  • Eatsuper food, increase the intake of calcium and vitamin D. This can help prevent osteoporosis and other health problems that can occur during menopause.
  • Regular training. Exercise can help improve mood, reduce stress and help keep weight in check.
  • Use cooling lamps or cooling pads in case of hot flashes. These can help relieve the hot flushes and sweats that can occur during menopause.
  • Try various stress-reducing activities such as relaxation, meditation or yoga to manage emotional changes during menopause.





1177 The care guide. (n.d.). Menopause.

The care guide. (n.d.). Menopause what can you do yourself  

Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Menopause diet: 10 foods to eat and avoid. 

Journals such as "Journal of Nutrition", "Journal of Medicinal Food", "Phytotherapy Research", "Menopause"



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