
Superfoodandberries spenat smoothie

Green drink made at Health Haven

Strengthen the immune system and counteract inflammation with the help of Health Haven. It contains a mix of superfood with fiber, protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Fits perfectly in this...

Green drink made at Health Haven

Strengthen the immune system and counteract inflammation with the help of Health Haven. It contains a mix of superfood with fiber, protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Fits perfectly in this...

Glass gjord på svenska bär

Icecream with Swedish berries

Enjoy a lovely ice cream in a bowl in the spring heat. This smoothie bowl ice cream is made from Swedish berries and from our product Health haven. It's packed...

Icecream with Swedish berries

Enjoy a lovely ice cream in a bowl in the spring heat. This smoothie bowl ice cream is made from Swedish berries and from our product Health haven. It's packed...

Fantastiskt gott bananbröd med Protein Power

Fantastically good banana bread with Protein Power

Do you also want to be able to eat bread without feeling lowered and bloated? Here is a healthy and tasty bread that provides more energy with the help of Protein Power....

Fantastically good banana bread with Protein Power

Do you also want to be able to eat bread without feeling lowered and bloated? Here is a healthy and tasty bread that provides more energy with the help of Protein Power....

Protein Power Raw balls

Protein Power Raw balls

Raw balls with a taste of chocolate! Super easy to make with only four ingredients. Perfect if you need to boost your energy levels before or after your workout, or...

Protein Power Raw balls

Raw balls with a taste of chocolate! Super easy to make with only four ingredients. Perfect if you need to boost your energy levels before or after your workout, or...

Blåbär och äpple juice

Blueberry and apple juice with Mega Mind

Enjoy a healthy juice that contains our product Magic Mind perfect for those who want to boost brain functions and increase focus. Ingredients1 tsp Magic Mind3 apples2 cups frozen blueberries1 Kiwi1...

Blueberry and apple juice with Mega Mind

Enjoy a healthy juice that contains our product Magic Mind perfect for those who want to boost brain functions and increase focus. Ingredients1 tsp Magic Mind3 apples2 cups frozen blueberries1 Kiwi1...

Rödbetsjuice Rödbeta Superfood & Berries

Vitamin-rich beetroot juice with detox effect

Do you want to increase performance and cleanse the body of toxins? Beetroot juice is said to have a positive effect on the heart and blood pressure. Beetroot contains vitamins,...

Vitamin-rich beetroot juice with detox effect

Do you want to increase performance and cleanse the body of toxins? Beetroot juice is said to have a positive effect on the heart and blood pressure. Beetroot contains vitamins,...
